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  • Cebas FinalRender R3.5 SE SP5

    Cebas FinalRender R3.5 SE SP5

    Cebas FinalRender R3.5 SE SP5 for 3DsMax 2010-2012 | 139.0 mb

    cebas Visual Technology releases its leading 3ds Max core rendering engine finalRender with many new presets. The latest release includes many easy-to-use presets that run extremely fast and readily create outstanding results.

    About cebas Visual Technology Inc.

    cebas Visual Technology Inc. is a privately held software company headquartered in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. It employs developers and other personnel in Australia, Germany, Russia and Canada.
    The company offers a broad range of production solutions for VFX studios, and visualization design companies, as well as 3D laser scanning services.
    cebas technologies are unique and market leading. They are frequently developed in conjunction with major motion pictures aiming to dazzle their audiences with the latest in special effects.
    cebas software is used in award winning movie productions, games and architectural design. It allows users to achieve realistic, innovative and compelling visual effects that are scientifically accurate and engineered entirely based on physics.

    About finalRender 3.5 SE

    finalRender 3.5 for 3ds Max 2010-2012 and 3ds Max Design 20109-2012 is offered in two versions. finalRender 3.5 SE (Studio Edition) is the perfect choice for bigger production houses and advanced users seeking the maximum in quality and flexibility, while finalRender 3.5 is targeted to the mainstream user base.
    Both products use the same rock solid Hollywood production-proven rendering core and produce the same rendering results (when not using any of the advanced features of 3.5 SE).......more info:

    Odin Frame Photo Creator 6.6.1

    Odin Frame Photo Creator 6.6.1

    Odin Frame Photo Creator 6.6.1 | 20.3 MB

    Frame Photo Creator software has photo mode and digital camera mode .Tt can let you take photos like digital camera.And It offers you kinds of different backgrounds(frames),for example, flowers,grass, ,the ocean ,cartoon ,animals to help you take colorful photos.Then you can combine the photos after you took.Befor you print it out or save in the computer,you also can eidit the photos in photo editor by altering the color of the photos,adjusting hues, sharpness, RGB color, flip and rorate photos.And you also can add base pictures and some funny face like cute face expression on the photos.

    1. Have photo mode and digital camera mode.
    2. Include thousands of frames and add your personalized frames freely .
    3. Assemble photos in diffferent way
    4. Add funny face to the photos.
    5. Add base background to the photos.
    6. Eidt photos in many ways like change color,alter the location in the photo editor
    7. Import frame,photo,photo background,expression to database.
    8. Chage and apply photo size before print
    9. Save edditing photos and next time just upload it and contitue to edit.
    10.Print out the photos.
    11. Easy to operate.

    Dameware NT Utilities Portable

    Dameware NT Utilities Portable

    Dameware NT Utilities Portable | 34.8 MB

    DameWare NT Utilities (DNTU) is an enterprise system management application for Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista which allows Administrators to go beyond the limitations of Microsoft's Management Console (MMC). DNTU provides an integrated collection of Microsoft Windows NT administration utilities, incorporated within a "easy to use" centralized interface for remote management of Windows Servers and Workstations.

    Most all of the standard utilities are included within DNTU's powerful Explorer-style interface, many of which have been greatly enhanced to provide superior performance, added functionality, and ease of use. DNTU also contains custom NT tools including the DameWare Mini Remote Control program and the Exporter, and also supports the use of standard shell property pages and shell context menus.

    DNTU also contains a powerful Active Directory Object Browser, and extensive Active Directory functionality for retrieving, searching, and filtering of all AD Objects & attributes. Management of objects such as OUs (Organizational Units), Containers, Users, Groups, Contacts, Computers, & Shares, as well as attributes that are not available within Microsoft's MMC (i.e. Photos, Logos, employee ID, etc...) are all supported. DNTU's exclusive Quick OU & Picture/Logo management functionality just further emphasizes DameWare Development's commitment to producing quality products that are easy to use.

    In addition to Active Directory, DNTU also supports management of Domains, Workstations, Disk Drives, Event Logs, Local Groups, Global Groups, Domain members, Open Files, Printers, Processes, Properties, Registry, Services, Sessions, Shares, ShutDown/Reboot, Software, Terminal Services/RDP, Users, Wake-on-LAN, and many more features. DNTU continues to support legacy (non-AD) Microsoft Windows Network implementation via a dynamic "Microsoft Windows Network" Browser tree view. Domain controllers, servers and workstations, as well as non-browsable machines (machines that by default are not shown in Microsoft's Windows Network Browser), can easily be managed via machine name or IP address after being added to the network browser tree view. DNTU basically gives you the ability to manage your Windows network from one easy to use Explorer-style interface.

    DNTU also includes the DameWare Mini Remote Control program for fast and easy deployment and troubleshooting, and the Exporter to quickly extract information from remote Windows machines. For additional information on these products, please take a look at their corresponding product information pages.

    CoreAVC Professional Edition

    CoreAVC Professional Edition

    CoreAVC Professional Edition Retail Final | 2.12 MB

    The CoreCodec CoreAVC High Definition H.264 video codec is based on the MPEG-4 Part 10 standard and is one of the codecs used in Blu-ray and in HD-DVD. AVC /H.264 is the next-generation standard for video, and CoreAVC™ is being recognized as being the world's fastest H.264 software video decoder. Plays everything that CoreAVC Standard Edition does but adds support for windows video systems that need support for SAT TV, IPTV, DVB. For the highend video zealots CoreAVC Professional Edition even supports SMP processors like the Intel® CoreTM 2 Duo, allowing for even fast multitasking while playing back high-definition CoreAVC H.264 video.

    • H.264 Baseline, Main, High profile support
    • Interlaced support (PAFF and MBAFF)
    • SMP (multi-core CPU) support (limit 4)
    • GPU support

    Technology Bulletpoints
    Supports Windows 7
    32/64 bit Support
    DXVA 1/2 Compatible
    NVIDIA CUDA GPU support
    ATI GPU support (DXVA)
    Multicore ready (16 CPU Cores)
    8100x8100 Resolution Support
    Full Interlaced support
    Uses Directshow for MKV
    Haali Media Splitter Included

    Matroska MKV Enabled

    Get Matroska MKV and MKA support from the people here at CoreCodec that helped create Matroska in the first place! Development SDK

    The CoreAVC SDK is one of the most advanced yet simple SDK's for developers to easily add H.264 support within their products. The SDK features:
    Android Support
    Directshow/GStreamer support
    Supports all modern OS's
    ARM/MIPS/PPC/32/64bit CPU
    NVIDIA CUDA GPU support
    DXVA GPU support
    ARM Cortex NEON support
    RMI MAE GPU Support
    Library/Source code options
    Please visit our OEM section for further licensing details.

    Grundschule Superlernpaket 1-4 Klasse

    Grundschule Superlernpaket 1-4 Klasse

    FRANZIS Das Grundschule Superlernpaket 1-4 Klasse | 433.8 mb

    Die Software für den erfolgreichen Schulstart bis zur 4. Klasse! Das Superlernpaket mit Diktaten, Arbeitsblätter, Testbogen, Rechenmandalas und Konzentrationstraining. So werden Kinder fit für's Gymnasium.


    - 250 kleine und große Diktate - von ganz leicht bis super schwer
    Die neue Diktatesammlung für die Grundschule: einfach zu Hause trainieren. Alle Schreibweisen nach dem aktuellsten verbindlichen Stand für alle Bundesländer. Über 60 Minuten diktierte Texte im praktischen MP3-Format.
    - 99 Rechenmandalas für Kinder zum Ausdrucken
    Wunderschöne Mandalas zum Ausmalen und Rechnen. Mandalas dienen der Förderung von Konzentration und Entspannung.
    - 250 Tests - sofort ausdruckbar
    In dieser Arbeitsblattsammlung finden Sie das wichtigste Grundschulwissen für die Fächer Mathematik, Deutsch, Englisch und Sachkunde. Die Aufgaben und Übungen wurden im benutzerfreundlichen PDF-Format aufbereitet und können somit beliebig oft ausgedruckt werden.


    - 1. Klasse - Das Alphabet lernen, die Rechtschreibung üben, Silben richtig trennen, das Textverständnis verbessern.
    - 2. Klasse - Rechtschreibung (Ersetzen von Wörtern und Satzteilen, Vokale usw.), Grammatik (Substantive, Adjektive, Verben), Satzzeichen und Sprachgebrauch.
    - 3. Klasse - Rechtschreibung (Ersetzen von Satzteilen und Formulierungen, Schreibübungen usw.), Grammatik (Zeitformen, schwierige Wortarten), Kommasetzung und weitere Satzzeichen.
    - 4. Klasse - Rechtschreibung (Ersetzen von Buchstaben, Satzzeichen und Silben), Grammatik (Subjekt, Prädikat, Objekt, Deklination, Konjugation, Zeitbildung), Sprachgebrauch (Redundanz, Fragen zu Geschichten, Sprichwörter und ihre Bedeutung).
    - Lernkartei Deutsch


    - 1. Klasse - Größer/kleiner/gleich, Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division im Zahlenraum bis 10.
    - 2. Klasse - Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division im Zahlenraum bis 100.
    - 3. Klasse - Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division halbschriftlich im Zahlenraum bis 1000.
    - 4. Klasse - Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division schriftlich.
    - Lernkartei Mathematik


    - 1. und 2. Klasse - Themen: Mediale Lernspiele, Straßenverkehr, Raum & Zeit, Kalender, Wetter & Natur, Pflanzen & Blumen, Vogelwelt.
    - 3. und 4. Klasse - Themen: Straßenverkehr, Landeskunde, Orientierung, Kompass, Schätz- und Messübungen, Naturwechsel in den Jahreszeiten, Pflanzen und Tiere im Wald, Wasser und seine Tiere, Haustiere, die Sinne des Menschen.

    Reg Organizer 5.30 Beta 2

    Reg Organizer 5.30 Beta 2

    Reg Organizer 5.30 Beta 2 Multilanguage | 3.7 MB

    Reg Organizer® is an extensive and extremely powerful set of registry tools required for effective system registry management. This software lets you view, edit and safely clean the registry. It allows to preview the registry files you want to import (including the ability to preview files directly from Windows Explorer). Includes registry cleaner, which will safely compact, repair and optimize the registry.

    With Reg Organizer you can thoroughly search the registry to find all the keys related to a certain application - Reg Organizer does this job quicker and better than other similar programs. Other Reg Organizer features include the ability to find and replace the registry entries, automatic registry cleanup, Disk Cleanup tool, access to many undocumented Windows features. Plug-in expandability gives unlimited possibilities of third party enhancements.

    OS : Win XP/2000/Vista/Win 7
    Language : Multilanguage