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    Showing posts with label Scientific. Show all posts

    Grundschule Superlernpaket 1-4 Klasse

    Grundschule Superlernpaket 1-4 Klasse

    FRANZIS Das Grundschule Superlernpaket 1-4 Klasse | 433.8 mb

    Die Software für den erfolgreichen Schulstart bis zur 4. Klasse! Das Superlernpaket mit Diktaten, Arbeitsblätter, Testbogen, Rechenmandalas und Konzentrationstraining. So werden Kinder fit für's Gymnasium.


    - 250 kleine und große Diktate - von ganz leicht bis super schwer
    Die neue Diktatesammlung für die Grundschule: einfach zu Hause trainieren. Alle Schreibweisen nach dem aktuellsten verbindlichen Stand für alle Bundesländer. Über 60 Minuten diktierte Texte im praktischen MP3-Format.
    - 99 Rechenmandalas für Kinder zum Ausdrucken
    Wunderschöne Mandalas zum Ausmalen und Rechnen. Mandalas dienen der Förderung von Konzentration und Entspannung.
    - 250 Tests - sofort ausdruckbar
    In dieser Arbeitsblattsammlung finden Sie das wichtigste Grundschulwissen für die Fächer Mathematik, Deutsch, Englisch und Sachkunde. Die Aufgaben und Übungen wurden im benutzerfreundlichen PDF-Format aufbereitet und können somit beliebig oft ausgedruckt werden.


    - 1. Klasse - Das Alphabet lernen, die Rechtschreibung üben, Silben richtig trennen, das Textverständnis verbessern.
    - 2. Klasse - Rechtschreibung (Ersetzen von Wörtern und Satzteilen, Vokale usw.), Grammatik (Substantive, Adjektive, Verben), Satzzeichen und Sprachgebrauch.
    - 3. Klasse - Rechtschreibung (Ersetzen von Satzteilen und Formulierungen, Schreibübungen usw.), Grammatik (Zeitformen, schwierige Wortarten), Kommasetzung und weitere Satzzeichen.
    - 4. Klasse - Rechtschreibung (Ersetzen von Buchstaben, Satzzeichen und Silben), Grammatik (Subjekt, Prädikat, Objekt, Deklination, Konjugation, Zeitbildung), Sprachgebrauch (Redundanz, Fragen zu Geschichten, Sprichwörter und ihre Bedeutung).
    - Lernkartei Deutsch


    - 1. Klasse - Größer/kleiner/gleich, Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division im Zahlenraum bis 10.
    - 2. Klasse - Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division im Zahlenraum bis 100.
    - 3. Klasse - Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division halbschriftlich im Zahlenraum bis 1000.
    - 4. Klasse - Addition, Subtraktion, Multiplikation und Division schriftlich.
    - Lernkartei Mathematik


    - 1. und 2. Klasse - Themen: Mediale Lernspiele, Straßenverkehr, Raum & Zeit, Kalender, Wetter & Natur, Pflanzen & Blumen, Vogelwelt.
    - 3. und 4. Klasse - Themen: Straßenverkehr, Landeskunde, Orientierung, Kompass, Schätz- und Messübungen, Naturwechsel in den Jahreszeiten, Pflanzen und Tiere im Wald, Wasser und seine Tiere, Haustiere, die Sinne des Menschen.

    NCSS PASS 11 v11.0.7

    NCSS PASS 11 v11.0.7

    NCSS PASS 11 v11.0.7 | 46.9 MB

    A statistical test's power is the probability that the test procedure will result in statistical significance. Power is related to the sample size, the size of the type I (alpha) error, the actual size of the effect, and the size of experimental error. All of these must be considered in order to calculate statistical power. As statistical significance is usually the desired outcome, planning and running a study to achieve a high power is of prime importance to the researcher. Because of the complexity of the calculations, the determination of the power is often ignored or only a casual attempt is made at its calculation by adopting some, so-called, "rule-of-thumb." PASS performs power analysis and calculates sample sizes. Use it before you begin a study to calculate an appropriate sample size (it meets the requirements of government agencies that demand technical justification of the sample size you have used). Use it after a study to determine if your sample size was large enough.

    PASS lets you solve for power, sample size, effect size, and alpha level. It automatically displays charts and graphs along with numeric tables and text summaries in a portable format that is cut and paste compatible with all word processors so you can easily include the results in your proposal.

    PASS is a standalone system. You can use it with any statistical analysis software you want. Click here for the PASS 11 minimum system requirements.

    PASS is accurate. It has been extensively verified using books and reference articles. Proof of the accuracy of each procedure is included in the extensive documentation.

    PASS comes with three manuals that contain tutorials, examples, annotated output, references, formulas, validation, and complete instructions on each procedure. And, if you cannot find an answer in the manual, our free technical support staff (which includes three PhD statisticians) is available.

    No other program calculates sample sizes and power for as many different statistical procedures as does PASS. Specifying your input is easy, especially with the online help and manual.

    Validation. Each procedure in PASS is fully-documented and validated using published literature. Validation examples are presented at the end of each procedure chapter in the documentation.

    Choose PASS. It's more comprehensive, easier-to-use, and accurate than any other sample size program on the market.

    Realflow 2012.0.0.0055 x64

    Realflow 2012.0.0.0055 x64

    Realflow 2012.0.0.0055 x64 | 141 MB

    RealFlow is the definitive tool for creating flawless large and small-scale fluid and dynamics simulations straight out of the box.

    Latent GOLD v4.5.0.11210

    Latent GOLD v4.5.0.11210

    Latent GOLD v4.5.0.11210 | 13.9 MB

    Latent GOLD 4.5 is a powerful latent class and finite mixture program. Latent GOLD contains separate modules for estimating three different model structures: Latent Class Cluster models; Discrete Factor (DFactor) models; Latent Class Regression models. The Advanced option includes additional advanced features for continuous latent variables (CFactors), multilevel modeling, and survey options for complex sample data.

    • Full windows implementation - point and click
    • Interactive graphics provide new insights into data and powerful model diagnostic capabilities
    • Flexible model structures can handle variables of different metrics
    • Automatic generation of sets of random starting values
    • Fast, efficient maximum likelihood and posterior mode estimation based on EM and Newton Raphson algorithms
    • Use of Bayes constants to eliminate boundary solutions
    • Bivariate residual diagnostic for local dependencies


    Known Class Indicator

    This feature allows more control over the segment definitions by pre-assigning selected cases (not) to be in a particular class or classes. 

    Conditional Bootstrap p-value
    Model difference bootstrap can be used to formally assess the significance in improvement associated with adding additional classes, additional DFactors and/or an additional DFactor levels to the model, or to relax any other model restriction.

    Overdispersed (Count and Binomial Count in Regression)
    Overdispersion is a common phenomenon in count data. It means that, as a result of unobserved heterogeneity, the variance of the count variable is larger than estimated by the Poisson (binomial) model. The overdispersed option makes it possible to account for unobserved heterogeneity by assuming that the rates (success probabilities) follow a gamma (beta) distribution. This yields a negative-binomial model for overdispersed Poisson counts and a negative-binomial model for overdispersed binomial counts. Note that this option is conceptually similar to including a normally distributed random intercept in a regression model for a count variable.

    The overdispersion option is useful if one wishes to analyze count data using mixture or zero-inflated variants of (truncated) negative-binomial or beta-binomial models (Agresti, 2000; Long, 1997; Simonoff, 2003). The negative-binomial model is a Poisson model with an extra error term coming from a gamma distribution. The beta-binomial model is a variant of the binomial count model that assumes that the success probabilities come from a beta distribution. These models are common in fields such as criminology, political sciences, medicine, biology, and marketing.

    PetraSim v5.1.1928

    PetraSim v5.1.1928

    Thunderhead Engineering PetraSim v5.1.1928 | 90.58 Mb

    PetraSim is a graphical interface for TOUGH2, TOUGH2-MP, T2VOC, TMVOC, TOUGHREACT and TOUGH-Fx/HYDRATE. These simulators are recognized for their powerful simulation capabilities involving fluid flow and heat transfer in porous and fractured media. The TOUGH2 codes have been applied to problems ranging from Yucca mountain groundwater flow to multi-component environmental remediation.

    Key Features

    Complete interactive 3D model creation and results display.
    Integrated results visualization (time history, iso-surface, vector, and contour plots).
    Optimized TOUGH2/T2VOC, TMVOC, and TOUGHREACT executables. All TOUGH2-based versions of PetraSim include the underlying simulation software at no extra cost.
    Helpful input visualization (e.g. relative permeability curves)

    AMPL A Mathematical Programming 2011

    AMPL A Mathematical Programming Language 2011.08.13

    AMPL A Mathematical Programming Language 2011.08.13 | 4.99 MB

    AMPL is a comprehensive and powerful algebraic modeling language for linear and nonlinear optimization problems, in discrete or continuous variables. Developed at Bell Laboratories, AMPL lets you use common notation and familiar concepts to formulate optimization models and examine solutions, while the computer manages communication with an appropriate solver. AMPL's flexibility and convenience render it ideal for rapid prototyping and model development, while its speed and control options make it an especially efficient choice for repeated production runs.

    Key modeling language features
    Broad support for sets and set operators. AMPL models can use sets of pairs, triples, and longer tuples; collections of sets indexed over sets; unordered, ordered, and circular sets of objects; and sets of numbers.

    General and natural syntax for arithmetic, logical, and conditional expressions; familiar conventions for summations and other iterated operators.

    Nonlinear programming features such as initial primal and dual values, user-defined functions, fast automatic differentiation, and automatic elimination of "defined" variables.

    Convenient alternative notations including node and arc declarations for network problems, a special syntax for piecewise-linear functions, and columnwise specification of linear coefficients.

    Key modeling environment features
    Interactive command environment with batch processing options. Powerful display commands let you view any model component or expression, browsing on-screen or writing to a file, using automatic formatting or your own preferences.

    New looping and if-then-else commands. Simple programs in the AMPL command language can now be written to solve sequences of related problems, for sensitivity analysis and for decomposition or other iterative schemes.

    Separation of model and data. AMPL models remain concise even as sets and data tables grow. Models may incorporate many kinds of conditions for validity of the data.

    Interfaces to popular and sophisticated solvers including CONOPT, CPLEX, LAMPS, LANCELOT, LOQO, LSGRG, MINOS, OSL, SNOPT, and XA.

    Molecular Biology Insights Oligo 7.55

    Molecular Biology Insights Oligo 7.55

    Molecular Biology Insights Oligo 7.55 | 12.99 MB

    OLIGO Primer Analysis Software is the essential tool for designing and analyzing sequencing and PCR primers, synthetic genes, and various kinds of probes including siRNA and molecular beacons. Based on the most up-to date nearest neighbor thermodynamic data, Oligo's search algorithms find optimal primers for PCR, including TaqMan, highly multiplexed, consensus or degenerate primers. Multiple file batch processing is possible. It is also an invaluable tool for site directed mutagenesis.

    For each primer or primer pair, Oligo's various analysis windows show a multitude of useful data, such as DNA and RNA secondary structure, dimer formation, false priming and homology, internal stability, composition and physical properties. With Oligo you can analyze open reading frames down to predicted molecular weight and pKa of proteins, and search for restriction enzyme sites, not only in DNA but also in reverse-translated proteins.

    The first version of the software appeared on the market in 1989. It went through several modifications, and the last one, the change from version 6 to 7, was the most comprehensive. Oligo 7 can automatically select multiplex primers, process sequence files in batch modes, automatically design PCR primers to cover multiple DNA regions in just one search and automatically find primer/probe sets for real time PCR or finds nested primers sets. Oligo search protocols (scoring system) may be customized in detail, so you may optimize the results according to your specific needs.

    Oligo runs on Macintosh and Windows and it may be downloaded from this site. Click on the Tutorials link above to see Oligo 7 general overview and the major windows screen designs.

    Grundschule 2010/2011

    Grundschule 2010/2011
    Grundschule 2010/2011 | 1.1 Gb

    Das Grundschulpaket 2010/2011 vermittelt einfach und verständlich den gesamten Lernstoff, den Ihr Kind für die Grundschule benötigt. Kleine und kindgerechte Lerneinheiten sorgen für lang anhaltenden Lernerfolg und viel Spaß beim Lernen. Die spannenden Lernspiele sind die perfekte Ergänzung zu den Aufgaben und sorgen für jede Menge Abwechslung.

    Über GmbH was founded in 1999 and is based in Friedrichsdorf, Germany. GmbH provides products and services online for companies, public institutions, and commercial resellers.

    Über Grundschule

    Grundschule, in Deutschland, in den ersten vier Jahren der Grundschule (in einigen Städten von Deutschland, in den ersten sechs Jahren).

    Vor den 1920er Jahren besuchte Oberschicht deutsche Kinder die Vorschule, ein Drei-Jahres-Verlauf der Vorbereitung für die Sekundarstufe I (in der Regel im Alter von 9 begann). Working-Class-Kinder in der Regel beendet ihre Ausbildung im Alter von 14 nach Abschluss Volksschule (Grundschule). Als Folge der Sozialreformen der Weimarer Republik wurde dieser dualen System abgeschafft und die Grundschule System der gemeinsamen Grundschule, die alle Kinder für die Sekundarstufe vorbereitet, gegründet wurde.

    Derzeit erhalten Studenten, die die Grundschule abgeschlossen ihren Sekundarschulabschluss in einem der drei verschiedene Arten. Sie können an einer Hauptschule (fünf Jahre oberen Grundschule, die Schüler für die berufliche Schule oder Handel Ausbildung bereitet), Realschule (sechs Jahre Sekundarstufe Kurs bereitet die Schüler auf höheren kaufmännischen und technischen Schulen) oder Gymnasium (neun Jahre Universität Vorbereitung der Schule).

    Disc Spring Solver 1.29

    Disc Spring Solver 1.29

    Disc Spring Solver 1.29 | 13.27 Mb

    Disc springs are used in many fields of the mechanical industry but, because of their geometry, it is very hard to make absolute predictions for their behaviour.

    Disc Spring Solver intends to help the disc springs users to foresee the performance of the springs that they are using by giving them the possibility to make calculations using standard algorithms or new and more accurate algorithms and by offering options which are completely new compared to the other disc springs related softwares.

    Disc Spring Solver can also suggest the best disc spring to meet the user's requests by combining more than 1000 different kinds of discs chosen in the included database.

    Disc Spring Solver gives, for instance, first and, at today, only software of its field, the opportunity to create a spring stack with the desired design where the packets can be made with a different number of springs and to consider the friction (and some other factors) effect during the foreseeing of the stack behaviour.

    Moreover, the very intuitive user interface of Disc Spring Solver has been thought to give to the user the opportunity to set every calculation option in the main window and not in quite hidden child windows. Look at the features page to know all the facilities included in Disc Spring Solver.

    COMSOL Multiphysics v4.2 x64

    COMSOL Multiphysics v4.2 x64

    COMSOL Multiphysics v4.2 x64 | 413 MB

    The COMSOL Multiphysics simulation software environment facilitates all steps in the modeling process − defining your geometry, meshing, specifying your physics, solving, and then visualizing your results. Model set-up is quick, thanks to a number of predefined physics interfaces for applications ranging from fluid flow and heat transfer to structural mechanics and electromagnetic analyses. Material properties, source terms and boundary conditions can all be arbitrary functions of the dependent variables. Predefined multiphysics-application templates solve many common problem types. You also have the option of choosing different physics and defining the interdependencies yourself. Or you can specify your own partial differential equations (PDEs) and link them with other equations and physics.

    Efofex FX Equation 4.004.9

    Efofex FX Equation 4.004.9

    Efofex FX Equation 4.004.9 | 4.6 MB

    FX Equation is simply the fastest way to produce mathematical and scientific equations. It provides an equation creation environment that really is "Astoundingly Quick". FX Equation 4 adds automatic vertical alignment of equals signs and a high speed toolbar entry system that can speed up entry of more complicated equations. FX Equation also adds short division signs, "fill in the blank" boxes, combinations, permutations, arcs, highlighted lines and an on-screen keyboard for use with interactive whiteboards. The full list of FX Equation 4 features is listed below.

    To use FX Equation, you just type the equation. FX Equation looks at what you have typed and puts everything in the right place. You never have to touch the mouse.

    New Features
    Vertical Alignment
    Highlight Lines
    Toolbar Equation Entry
    On Screen Keyboard
    Combinations and Permutations
    Equation Numbers
    Short Division
    Expanded Conjugates
    Other Features
    Sums and Products
    Scientific Notation
    Column Vectors
    Mixed Numerals
    Recurring Decimals
    Greatest Integer
    Definite Integrals
    Other Features Continued
    User Defined Shortcuts
    Lower Case Vectors
    Greek Letters

    Award Keylogger 2.7

    Award Keylogger 2.7

     Award Keylogger 2.7 (x86) | 4.4 MB

    Award Keylogger allows you to monitor all users' activity on any computers in real time and record each computer's usage history. Award Keylogger makes it easy to view, in real time, the screenshots of the any computers, all typed keystrokes, visited Web sites, used programs. You can view a list of running processes and terminate undesirable ones.